Welcome to Tuesday Night Ladies League!

**Please note, Ladies League is randomly assigned tee times starting at 6:00pm. Please make sure you can fit this time schedule before signing up for League.

Starts May 6th

8 Straight Weeks

Continuing the new format from last year! Teams of four ladies.

Each week, two out of the four ladies will compete for season long points race. The other two may play if available for the weekly contests (eg. fewest putts, KPs, etc.). It will be up to each team to decide who plays each week.

Weekly team best-ball against the field, including both gross and net!

Team names are highly encouraged!

Teams will be responsible with contacting either Tammy Wallen or Rebecca Hawes about who’s playing at least 48 hours before League start. Deadline for team roster is Sunday 5pm. 

If you have any questions please contact Tammy Wallen at tammywallen@gmail.com, or Rebecca Hawes at rebecca@redhawkidaho.com


Click here for 2025 league rules


2025 Pricing

$40 entry fee for prize money

Appropriate green fees and carts will be paid each week. Season passes will be honored in League play.